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"Productivity porn is very loud right now.”

You’re feeling inadequate about your productivity ? Welcome to strange new world 2020.

We ar hearing from a lot of people feeling guilt about not being productive enough while at home and in isolation.

Just check that sentence - people who are locked down at home and in isolation. Could you have imagined anyone saying that six months ago ?

Since the inception of lockdown orders, many people have felt that they were wasting time and failing badly at the transition to working from home. There is also pressure use this time productively for ourselves - the self pressure to write the book/play/sonnet collection is huuuuge.

I heard someone describe the pressure as " Productivity porn is very loud right now.”

The Canadian Government put out some guidance on home working during this pandemic.,,

This is a crisis. It's unprecedented. You are NOT supposed to know how to handle this. It will take adjustments.

Overworking whilst unwell, stressed or anxious is called presenteeism. Presenteeism is much more damaging to yourself and your company than absenteeism. It is the road to burnout, chronic anxiety and depression. `How would you communicate your concern to a good friend if they were struggling in this crisis ? This should be your own internal soothing voice to self. We need to give ourselves a break - the author included.

It needs to be a daily reminder that what gets done is a real achievement - that we will try again tomorrow if we can...

The noise of the productivity bandwagon can be difficult to drown out, so don’t feel bad if this is something you’re struggling with.

“We live in a society where many of us are accustomed to engaging in activities centred around thriving,”

Unfortunately, much of that focus must be shifted to simply surviving right now. Just to get through. So please be kind to yourself as we move through this, and refuse to be guilty for not being productive. We are in a productivity Marathon, not a sprint

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